Boyfriend Tag

21:11 Unknown 0 Comments

So I may have just made Adam sit at my laptop and answer the boyfriend tag questions, personally I think he's done a really good job! I love him lots, what a cute person he is! <333

She's sitting in front of the T.V, what is on the screen? 

Probably friends or whatever is on E4, that always seems to be on when she's around.

You're out to eat, what kind of dressing does she get on her salad?

Ceaser dressing but she will taste it before she puts it on because she is fussy :)

What's one food she doesn't like? 

Cold tomatoes, but she can eat them in a sandwich? Strange I know.

You go out to eat and have a drink, what does she order?

She will make me decide because she is the most indecisive person I know, but it will probably be pizza and a coke.

What size shoe does she wear?

I think a 4 but she can fit into 4/5/6

If she was collecting anything what would it be? 

Dresses or books.

What is her favourite type of sandwich? 

Ummmmmm this is a tough one and I am going to have to leave this unanswered, SORRY CHARLEY <3

What would this person eat everyday if she could?

These graze boxes that come in the post, its like really healthy food in little tubs.

What is her favourite cereal?

She doesn't like cereal but I sometimes get her to eat frosties if I have them :)

What's her favourite music? 

She has a very eclectic music taste which ranges from One Direction to Darwin Deez. (i had to reference 1D at least once in this, sorry <3)

What's her favourite sports team? 


What's her eye colour? 

Like a greeny bluey tealy colour, very beautiful.

Who's her best friend? 

Her sister, they have a great bond with each other.

What is something you do that she wishes you wouldn't? 

Nothing, I am perfect, only joking ummm probably sing all the time?

What's her heritage/where she's from?

Well her dad is from somewhere around London I think? Her mum is from Wales but she has lived in and around Linslade her whole life.

You bake her a cake for her birthday what kind of cake?

Chocolate with buttercream icing ;)

Did she play any sports?

Not to my knowledge...

What could she spend hours doing?


What is one unique talent she has?

She is completely and utterly perfect and I would not change anything about her, once you truly get to know her you will see why I love her so much, I LOVE YOU SMELLY BUM BUMMMMM XXXXXXXXX