So I was nominated for the Liebster Award... UPDATED

21:42 Unknown 4 Comments

Hello lovelies,
So today I had an incredible thing happen to me, someone nominated me for a Liebster Award! To be exact that somebody was Tamara from, of course I would like to say a HUUUUUGE thank you to Tamara for even considering me as one of her 11 nominees and if you haven't checked out her blog yet you absolutely should! She is so lovely and her blog is a true reflection of what a beautiful girl she is. I have loved every minute of blogging, even the low days when I didn't have a lot to say I always feel like I am being heard when I sit at my desk and write a blog post, so thank you to my followers for that!
For those of you who don't know a great deal about the Liebster Award I will borrow the same description as Tamara; it is an award given to bloggers with under 200 followers on Bloglovin and a good way for bloggers to connect with each other. Seeing as I am also a newbie to this whole fiasco it has taken a little bit of thinking to get this all right! Firstly, here are the questions I was asked by Tamara:

1. Why did you start blogging?
Personally I started because I adored reading people like Zoella and Sprinkle of Glitter's blogs and I needed somewhere to release all my creativity in an effective and positive way.
2. How many siblings do you have?
I have one younger sister called Emily, she is almost fourteen and honestly one of my best friends.
3. What is your childhood dream job (this might have changed since then)?
The earliest job I can remember being really interested in was Zoology, I was so obsessed with watching Animal Planet and Nat Geo Wild with my Dad and I had every animal book under the sun! 
4. If you could make one law, what would it be?
I would make it illegal to discriminate and bully people, it's the one thing that sickens me to my very core, it should be illegal.
5. Have you ever been in a production, whether that be film, musical or music?
I have never actually been in a production, I did audition to be Danny from Grease but I wasn't manly enough so I very quickly got over musical theatre.
6. Most famous person you have met?
Can I cheat and say because Zoe Sugg seems to have gotten very popular recently that she is the most famous person I have ever met, she is such an idol to me and it wouldn't feel right to not give Louise a little mention too... Those girls got me through a lot of tough times.
7. Favourite band?
Ahhh this is a really tough one because I honestly don't know, let me have a browse through the music on my phone! Can I cheat and say like four or five? The Beatles, The Courteeners, Darwin Deez, Marina and the Diamonds and of course ARCTIC MONKEYS.
8. What is the ultimate pet you could have? 
Okay so I have been getting kitten withdrawal lately, I need a new baby cat in my life mostly because my sister smothered my cats out of affectionate behaviour, but the ultimate would probably be like a Meerkat or a Cheetah?
9. The clothes shop you shop in most?
I have lots that I regularly shop in! Ah why are these questions so hard?! H&M, Topshop, New Look and of course Primark!
10. All time favourite brand (in everything)?
I think I would have to say Topshop because they have lovely clothes, make up, shoes and accessories.. They would take top trumps for me, personally.
11. If you could be anybody, who would it be?
This is a really difficult question, I mean there are people like Jennifer Lawrence I would like to be because she is brilliant and my boyfriend fancies her a great deal but then I would also like to be someone who has an awful life so I could genuinely empathise with them and take them away from their pain?

I was also nominated by the lovely Elsi (exciting I know) from, her questions were as follows..
1. How did you come up with your blog name?
Well as boring as it sounds, I just stumbled on it when I was changing my blog name, I wanted something a tad more fashion related with maybe a French ring to it and Style and Allure came to me on a whim.
2. What's your favourite pair of shoes?
I have two, either my black Chelsea boots from TK Maxx or my brown ones from H&M
3. Who's one person whose style you adore?
Celebrity wise I would have to say either Alexa Chung and Bloggers or YouTube wise probably Zoella, her style is so flawless and she just looks incredible in everything she wears.
4. Why did you start your blog?
I started my blog because I was an avid blog reader and YouTube watcher and one day after reading Louise and Zoe's blogs all day I decided to make my own, admittedly that wasn't Style and Allure but it was a blog, haha!
5. What was your first blog post?
On Style and Allure it was an outfit post that consisted of three photos and I was very proud of it until I recently sort of came in to my own, style wise, then I got very embarrassed by it and the way in which I wrote it.
6. What's your go to accessory?
I think the accessory I have worn the most in recent months is my brown, tartan scarf but I have been very much interested in statement necklaces, they really spice up a plain outfit.
7. How did you find out about blogging?
I think it probably all started from looking up how to do my make up when I started upper school, on YouTube where I found some of my favourite bloggers to date, incredibly that was almost 5 years ago now!
8. What is your favourite blogpost you've written?
Ooh this is a very difficult one, I can't think off of the top of my head, I really like the photography in this post but I love the content of this post... Very tough decision.
9. What is the first make up product you bought?
I think it was probably something like a lip gloss or mascara but I genuinely have no clue, lots people know exactly what their first make up item was but I purchased mine about 5 years ago..
10. Favourite place to shop?
I have already answered this above!!
11. Favourite fashion trend?
I really like the whole trilby/ big hats trend, very Made In Chelsea esque!

I was also nomintaed by the absolute lovely Lottie from Lottie's World, her questions are:
1. What is your biggest fear?
By far my biggest fear is spiders, I have nightmares about them crawling on me and everything, it is quite bad actually...
2. What's your lifetime ambition?
My goal in life is to become a successful fashion and beauty journalist/blogger and to be able to live off that alone.
3. Where do you see yourself in 5/10 years time?
5 years- Living with my boyfriend full time, finished with university and working in a full time job.
10 years- I would like to be married and possibly pregnant with my first baby, optimistic I know but I have always wanted a family.
4. Chocolate or sweets?
I don't like either that much but if I had to chose I would probably say chocolate.
5. Do you collect anything?
I would probably have to say lipsticks, clothes or moisturisers... normal girl stuff!
6. Tea or Coffee?
Probably tea, I like all kinds of tea whereas I am more limited in the coffees I drink!
7. Who inspires you?
I don't know where to begin the list is so long; Zoella, Tanya Burr and Louise for all different reasons but mostly because they have all dealt with a lot in their life and they are such strong supportive women.
8. Do you prefer Summer or Winter?
At the moment I am craving Summer, because we have had the most awful winter and I am very ready for bright lips and crop tops!
9. What's one item of clothing you can't live without?
This is another tricky one, I  am not sure if I could chose one item of clothing... Maybe my coat because I am forever getting cold or my onesie because it would keep me very warm and it's an outfit in one? Shoes and everything...
10. Would you rather be famous, or be the best friend of someone famous?
I think I would rather be the best friend because I wouldn't deal well with my every move being scrutinized by the paparazzi!
11. What is something you are passionate about?
I am passionate about lots of things, English Literature is one I don't talk about too often so I would have to say that, English Literature and reading books in general.

I have also been nominated by the lovely Barbara from, I would like to say a massive thank you to her for nominating me! Her questions are:
1. What is your life goal?
As silly as it sounds, I have had a bit of an epiphany today and I became aware that my dream job was in fact to go into psychiatry, I always thought it was unattainable but the more I think about it the more I want to do it... But I guess my main goal is to get married and start a family!
2. What is most interesting about you?
Can I be honest here and say I am not really all that interesting? As harsh as it sounds I am being on myself it's honest, I don't have a lot that makes me anything other than a hard working student and blogger.
3. Describe your personality in three words?
Um I had to go to the boyfriend for this one, he said: opinionated, intelligent and funny! What a sweet heart my fella is.
4. What is your night care routine?
At the moment, I am exercising, then I will hop in the shower; wash and condition my hair, then I will cleanse tone and use either a mask or a deep moisturising cream and get into bed and watch YouTube videos, oops!
5. What is your all time favourite book?
This is the worst question because I have a million favourite books, I can't even think of just one!
6. Who are your favourite singers/bands?
I have already answered this one above^^
7.  If you had to pick one product/thing you would use/have for life what would it be?
Hmm because I have eczema it would have to be moisturiser sadly, if that doesn't count then easily mascara!
8. What is the funniest situation you've ever been in?
I can't think of the funniest off the top of my head because there have been so many so I will do one from today, it was my Granddad's 82nd birthday party today and my cousin Gio's american wife Pilar was joking around with my Granddad asking who was his favourite Granddaughter in front of my Sister and I, his face was priceless, he didn't know what to say!
9. What's your biggest talent?
Right now... getting 100% on my Psychology exam, that is about all that comes to mind I am afraid!
10. Who is your celebrity crush?
I am not sure really, the celebrity I admire most right now is Demi Lovato, if that counts...
11. What's the best tip you can give someone?
Make sure that you are living your life for you, never let someone else's actions dictate how you think or feel, it is not worth it in the slightest!

Now for my eleven facts... Oh some of these may be pointless but yes, enjoy.

1. I have the strongest moral compass out of everyone I know, I cannot stand any kind of discrimination at all, it makes me so angry! 
2. I am a crime/thriller novel freak, but I prefer them to be written from the victims point of view than the detective or villain.
3. I have been in a very happy relationship for nine months, today exactly. Cute eh?
4. I can have OCD meltdowns over something as small as turning a piece of lined paper landscape.
5. I wrote the first chapter of a Gothic Novel for my English Language and I have been desperate to write a book ever since!
6. I spend my life re-reading old posts by my favourite bloggers and re-watching my favourite YouTube videos...
7. I already know what I want to call my first child, whether they're a boy or a girl.
8. I am addicted to noodles, I ate them with leftover Tomato soup and Quorn chicken pieces today...
9. I ombred my hair and I absolutely love it! 
10. I am 5'8, cut off point for a model, isn't that cool?
11. I am OBSESSED with the minions from Despicable Me, ooh and Agnes, because she is adorable

My nominees are as follows:
  1. LUCY (one of my favourite ladies ever)
  2. KATY (she has the most beautiful blog)
  3. GEORGINA (the photos on her blog are stunning)
  4. ANASTASIA (she has beautiful style, effortless and gorgeous)
  5. LANA (her nail posts always get me lusting after new polishes)
  6. DAVINA (she does the cutest short posts)
  7. HOLLIE (she has a wonderful writing style)
  8. CHARLOTTE (her blog is adorable)
  9. VICTORIA (her posts are always incredibly written)
  10. BEX (she is adorable and her photos are edited brilliantly)
  11. STEPH (her blog is honestly just wow)
My questions for said nominees are...
  1. When did you start blogging?
  2. What is your favourite book?
  3. What is your holy grail beauty product?
  4. How often do you communicate with other bloggers?
  5. When was the last time you cried at a movie?
  6. If you were stranded on a desert island with one celebrity, who would you want it to be?
  7. Who is your idol?
  8. What blogger would you like to be best friends with?
  9. What made you start blogging?
  10. What's your favourite animal?
  11. What is your biggest guilty pleasure?
So that is FINALLY everything, again I would like to express my gratitude at the fact I was even picked and I would like to wish luck to everyone involved! 


  1. Hey, I nominated you too for the Liebster Award. :)

    1. Thank you so much! I will answer your questions as soon as possible!!
      Charley xxx

  2. Thank you for the nomination! I finally got my post up last week :) xx

    1. I just read your responses, loved them! I am the exact same as you with my fox onesie and who doesn't love a good bag or two of Chilli Heatwave Doritoes!xx
