New Years is a time for new beginnings...

16:46 Unknown 2 Comments

Hello lovelies,
I always find that this time of year is a time for reflection and change, upon reflecting on my previous year I feel I have grown greatly as a person and I have made outstanding progress. However there are aspects of my life that I still feel I could improve, such as my blog, fitness and college work. There are many things that have inspired me in the past year, such as other bloggers, people around me and of course my family and Adam. As for my blog, possibly the most interesting to you reading, I am planning on doing more OOTD posts as I love to read them myself, especially the ones with interesting, unique, thrifted clothes! I also would like to blog my progress with getting healthier, in the style of food diaries and exercise updates, Gemsmaquillage inspired me greatly to document it in case its of any use to someone else! Lastly, I plan to expand my blog to YouTube, I have been considering it for a while, and after seeing Beth from Beauty in Beta expand to YouTube I have felt very inspired to do so myself, having spoken to my very supportive sister and boyfriend about it I have been convinced!
So here are my New Years goals, the word resolution makes goals  sound like they are a year long mountain of hard work, setting smaller goals feels far more attainable for me...
GOAL NUMBER ONE: Upload my first YouTube video!
GOAL NUMBER TWO: Post at least one outfit post a week in January, then continue to post them throughout each month.
GOAL NUMBER THREE: Eat healthier food in general, plan meals out ahead of time where possible.
GOAL NUMBER FOUR: Do a full work out at least three times a week and some form of exercise every day!
GOAL NUMBER FIVE: Do as best as I possibly can in my January mock exams.
GOAL NUMBER SIX: Get absolute top grades in my coursework!
GOAL NUMBER SEVEN: Plan something really special for mine and Adam's one year anniversary, my eighteenth and Adam's twenty first!
GOAL NUMBER SEVEN: Keep a positive outlook on everything!

2014 is a big year for me, and I wish everyone the best on their endeavours in the new year!


  1. Such a good new years post, such a cute blog.

  2. Aw thank you so much! I adore your blog, following you now!xx
