Post Break Up Sex, That Helps You Forget Your Ex.
Okay so MAYBE the title of this post is a little misleading but I will be talking about break ups and arguments in a relationship and things like that... Now I am in no way saying that I am the best for relationship advice, but I do have experience with relationships, heartbreak and such.I suppose I will start with arguments during the relationship- the best way I could say to deal with smaller arguments (these tend to happen over text, because they're so stupid) is to just wait ten minutes before you send that argumentative, angry, upset, hurt, desperate text and read the argument. What is it about? Oh what film to watch or why you were too busy to reply earlier. Delete all the words in the text you were going to send and laugh at the fact you're in a serious argument over nothing- the perks of being in a relationship, now take the seriousness out of your tone and make sure that they know how silly the whole argument is.
If you are in a more serious, detrimental argument T-H-I-N-K before you say anything, don't get angry and offend the other person you're going to push them so much farther away than they already are, you have to be very careful with how nice you are as well; if you're too nice you will come across as desperate, clingy and quite frankly smothering. You can get your point across in a friendly, yet assertive way! It is possible shockingly?! Instead of telling them why you shouldn't break up, remind them of all the times your relationship has been fun, lovely or perfect. Make them feel comfortable enough to tell you anything even if they know it's not something you want to hear, allow them to speak and get their point across as well.
However if all this is failing you, you may need to sit back and take a long hard look at your relationship because if it's seriously wrong on one half you may have been oblivious to the problems that were always there, (I know I was unaware) as nice as it is to remember the good things sometimes you have to take into account that it may not be working. As hard as that is to admit to yourselves, you have to know you can't force someone to love you. I experienced something very similar to this in that my ex told me that he wasn't sure about us anymore because of the distance, school e.c.t and I fought that with every inch of me, I did everything in my power to keep us together, I was trying to fix something that just wasn't meant to be fixed anymore. I learnt from that not to push a relationship, if it's not working sometimes you have to accept that and let go. Sometimes it IS okay to give up, do you really want to be happy today and miserable in the long run?
Break ups and broken hearts are horrible things and I have had my fair share of experience with these, I found the best way to move on is mainly to let go. Delete their number, delete the texts, delete the pictures and DON'T dwell on the past. Get out and try new things, spend more time with people who make you smile, do stupid childish things like go to laser quasar, spend nights in unhappy and lonely sometimes, relax and realise you're only young and you have so much to give, just not to this person. You will have countless relationships in your life, whether they're small or serious or even fabricated between you and a celebrity? Your friends and family will always be there to help you pick up the pieces and if you feel alone and like no one cares, know that I do.
Charley xo