I don't know about you but I'm feeling 22, everything will be alright if you keep me next to you.

19:56 Unknown 0 Comments

I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth just so you're aware, I just have been trying to upload this video to blog about for about a week and I have been lazy and not blogged in between, oops.

So I feel like today I should post more than one blog therefore this one will be a personal one (my other one should be a nail post), my friend wanted me to write about him and he has been asking for a few days so I have decided today is the day, despite me having written him a letter and constantly complimenting him. There are some people in life who have the ability to make you into the best version you possibly can be of yourself and Adam is the person who does that for me, and as much as I let him know that he is still far too modest to just accept it. I have suffered with depression for a very long time and it takes a lot for me to be able to open up to someone about how I feel and all that has happened to me, however he allows me to do this and doesn't judge me or give his input, he just listens. Despite everything I have put him through out of anger and spite he is still there for me, which severely shocks me, and I hope he is aware of how truly blessed I am to have him involved with my life.
There are so many things I could say about us, memories I could share and thoughts I could tell but I won't because those are special to me and they keep me going and make me feel less alone. Though there are some things I will share...

  • Adam sings and dances in the car and it instantly puts me in a good mood, not because he is awful, but because he doesn't care what people think of him as much as I care.
  • He is the most interesting person to talk to about things he is passionate about, we sat in KFC for half an hour talking about school and mind tricks.
  • He is one of the most intelligent people I know, not just book wise but also common sense wise, and I feel like if I played trivial pursuit with him he would kick my butt. 
  • Adam is one of the most important people in my life for so many reasons, but mostly because he is aware of how much I need him even when I say I don't want anything to do with him because I am upset or angry about something. He is basically my rock 99% of the time, I mean he called me because I was upset and read out all my tweets that have ever been aimed at him but he laughed and he made me laugh. If that isn't a good friend I really don't know what is.
If you don't have a friend like Adam in your life I feel desperately sorry for you because if it wasn't for him I am almost certain I wouldn't be who I am today. I am not a strong person but he makes me stronger, I am not a beautiful person but he makes me feel like I am, I am not funny but he will laugh at me and I am not alone because he is always there. I've never met anyone who has the same effect on me that he has and I'm not sure what it is about him but he has this insane ability to make me the happiest person imaginable and despite everything he would never intentionally hurt me. Without him I wouldn't know who I am... 

So thank you Adam, for everything.