Blogmas Day 8 || Motivation!

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Hello lovelies,
I thought this post was relevant seeing as Yesterday I was so busy with College work that I completely forgot to actually write a blog post! Sometimes I find my motivational skills really suffer and there just aren't enough videos or blog posts on it to plicate my need for motivation, therefore leading to my absent minded procrastination. Instead of sitting here pretending I am the motivation queen I decided to just share with you what works for me, and keeps me active and working even when I feel like *insert appropriate terminology here* and cannot bear to get my head down and concentrate.

  1. Write 'TO DO' lists, as much as they seem like a waste of time, they will help you to organise your thoughts and seperate the tasks you have to do from the ones you have already completed
  2. Make sure you are working in an area that is neat and tidy and only for work, it will help you to focus on what you have to do, rather than what is around you
  3. Don't play SIMs 3, it is a tool for distraction and distraction alone, I waste far too much valuable time on that game, I have now decided it can be a treat after completing work
  4. I find when writing an essay, it feels rewarding to take five minute breaks after every paragraph so that I don't get into ramble mode and just type a load of rubbish
  5. Make sure the people around you are aware you are busy, try and get them to interrupt you as little as possible, that way you're more likely to be on a roll
  6. Make a playlist of mellow songs that you can listen to, to cancel out noise around you but keep you focused on the task at hand
  7. Turn your phone off for the duration of your work if possible, the less distractions you have around you the better
  8. Have a supply of food and drink at your side so you don't feel tempted to get up often and get other things
That's just a few ideas I use in the Winter especially to stay motivated when I am tired or feeling groggy and in need of a little extra push! I hope it was helpful to someone, now I best get on with something productive!